Stay & Surf Ericeira is taking a break in 2024

Dear guests and customers.
After 23 years, I returned back home from Ericeira to North Frisia in 2023 and after so many wonderful years at (and in) the Portuguese Atlantic, I get started a new chapter of my life, up here at the coast of the North Sea.
I am working in my first learned profession as a Social Pedagogical Assistant/Nanny in a Kindergarten, which is quite time consuming, so that it gets harder and harder for me to respond to requests of my dear customers in time. As you might know, this timely response has always been very important to me.

During the last year I did my best to combine both, my work at the Kindergarten and Stay & Surf Ericeira, but to my regret this didn´t always work out the ways I wanted it to. As this kind of service is very important to me, I decided to put Stay & Surf Ericeira on a pause for this year and focus completely on my new life, here in the North of Germany.
Because as I experience, returning home is much more exhausting and complex as emigrating to a new country and I don`t want to let you wait for my responses and seem unreliable.
I am not going to close Stay & Surf Ericeira (maybe soon you will read about Stay & Surf North Frisia) and I won’t be able to arrange accommodation and surf lessons this year. But you are always very welcome to send an email to me, only the response time might be a little bit longer than usual.
I want to thank you all for your previous trust and all the kind and loving reviews on my google account. I send you my best wishes and greetings from the stormy North Sea.